In December, almost all people make New Year’s resolutions. They start the first month of a new year with a great deal of ambitious goals they want to achieve.

Let’s be honest

Have you ever managed to reach all your expectations and plans? I know you haven’t and I haven’t either. Most of us always end up with unfulfilled goals and… it happens every year, right? It’s not because we are bad, stupid or undisciplined. The problem is that we plan too many unattainable things. We are only people, not superheroes. So how should you make your New Year’s resolutions list? Firstly, be realistic. You can add to your list: “I will be running 20 miles everyday.“ It’s fine and challenging but just think: “Am I sure it’s possible for me?“. Maybe running at least three times a week would be a more available goal? We all have limited time and often don’t have enough energy. Sometimes we are just tired, sometimes just a bit lazy… and it’s okay! We don’t have to be perfect – remember that when you plan New Year’s challenges.

To make things easier, I will give you a few ideas for simple activities you really can do everyday and you won’t feel like a loser at the end of the year anymore!

Wake up earlier and have more time for yourself

Not necessarily at 5 a.m. – I know it’s impossible for some people. But just try to go to bed and then get up earlier than you do now. Then make your bed and eat a delicious breakfast. Morning routine like that is very important and makes your day better.

Workout is always a good idea

There are a lot of people at the gym in January. It’s obvious because doing sport and losing weight are very popular New Year’s resolutions! I am not telling you to run, jump and lift weights if you don’t want to, but remember that sport is very good for your body, so let’s try to find a discipline you like. Even short training, for example 20 minutes of dancing, helps you get in shape! And moreover, you don’t have to leave your own room to be fit. You can exercise at home and without expensive equipment. Read books. Don’t plan to read everyday because you won’t. Not always do we have so much free time. But at least one book for a month? It sounds realistic! Choose any book you like, the genre doesn’t matter. The most important thing is that you like it. Then tell somebody about this book, for example your friends. Maybe they can also recommend another good novel to you.

Meet with people you love

Nowadays we work most of the time and have very little time for our families, especially for elderly people who need company. So when you have a day off, visit your grandparents. They will be over the moon, they probably miss you very much but they know how busy you are and that’s why they don’t ask you to visit them.

Friendship is also very important because it can give us a sense of belonging, prevent loneliness and teach us new things. Our friends are people who bring humour and happiness to our lives. We should have more time for them!

Walking everyday

Maybe now walking isn’t a big pleasure because of the weather but let’s not make excuses! You just need a warm cap and a scarf and you are ready for a winter walk. Believe me, walking has many advantages. If you walk everyday, you will improve both your physical condition and mental health. You will be able to burn some calories and maintain your healthy weight or lose body fat. You will also strengthen the heart and increase the energy level. Contact with nature is definitely beneficial for everyone – especially when you are tired and stressed.

And that’s all! It doesn’t seem very challenging, right?

I gave you five ideas which you can use as realistic New Year’s resolutions and I promise the first time you will feel satisfied. Remember you can do amazing things everyday and you can start whenever you want, good time is always. You don’t have to wait around until the New Year. Just make each day your own masterpiece!

I don’t believe in New Year’s resolutions. I think if you want to change something, change it today and don’t wait until the New Year.
– Georgina Bloomberg

Tekst: Zuzanna Kozłowska
Zdjęcie: Laura Zimnik